Monday, 21 May 2012

Your Living Canvas - This amazing workshop starts today!

Image from Christy's blog....
 So, I've signed up for the new Christy Tomlinson and Art McCracken workshop entitled 'Your Living Canvas'. I think this 6 week course could be a life-changer and I say that sincerely!

At 33 years old, I've reached a crisis point in my life and things have become so stressful that I know major, fundamental changes to the way I think and act in all areas of my life need to happen in the very near future or I am going to sink and drown in every sense.

The course promises a blend of amazing life coaching lessons with a huge helping of ART. I could talk about it all day but if you click here it will take you to a page on Christy's rather gorgeous blog where you will find sneak peek videos and information all about this wonderful event which STARTS TODAY!!

I am so looking forward to this new, exciting journey and would love to share it with my followers both old (in the nicest possible sense!) and also new. Let me know if you are also about to start this journey and maybe we can wander along together!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, wow... I also sign up for this workshop but my progress very slow!!! anyway, I'm Carol Theng from carol paperie's. Dun know how to contact u. Just want to let u know that u have won the Frosted Designs Crafting Space Blog Hop (on my blog)prize. have written my email add at my blog. kindly contact me. thks.
